
Prenatal maternal iron intake shown to affect the neonatal brain

In the first study of its kind, researchers have shown that inadequate maternal iron intake during pregnancy exerts subtle effects on infant brain development. Their findings have been published online by the journal Pediatric ...


A brighter future after stroke

There's a stroke every 10 minutes in Canada. Of those, about 10-15 per cent are triggered by arterial ruptures and uncontrolled bleeding in the brain, and are incredibly devastating. These are the strokes that University ...

Attention deficit disorders

MRI technique may help prevent ADHD misdiagnosis

Brain iron levels offer a potential biomarker in the diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and may help physicians and parents make better informed treatment decisions, according to new research published ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Uncovering the underlying causes of Parkinson's disease

(Medical Xpress)—A breakthrough investigation by UTS researchers into the underlying causes of Parkinson's disease has brought us a step closer to understanding how to manage the condition.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

'Big Science' uncovers another piece in the Alzheimer's puzzle

In a paper published today, British scientists have found evidence that  biological material contributing to lesions in the brain, characteristic in Alzheimer's patients, may also cause the build-up of brain-cell-damaging ...

Attention deficit disorders

MRI technique reveals low brain iron in ADHD patients

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides a noninvasive way to measure iron levels in the brains of people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to a study being presented today at the annual meeting ...

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