
Re-frame of mind: Do our brains have a built-in sense of grammar?

For centuries, a prevailing theory in philosophy has asserted that at birth the human mind is a blank slate. More recently, the same notion has also held sway in the field of neurobiology, where it is commonly held that neural ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Different biological variants discovered in Alzheimer's disease

Dutch scientists have discovered five biological variants of Alzheimer's disease, which may require different treatments. As a result, previously tested drugs may incorrectly appear to be ineffective or only minimally effective. ...


A new platform to fast-track lifesaving brain research

An international team led by Australian researchers has developed a platform that could transform neuroimaging data analysis worldwide. The Neurodesk platform will enable scientists to accelerate research on conditions such ...


Timing is everything: How circadian rhythms influence our brains

Why are we mentally sharper at certain times of day? A study led by Jonathan Lipton MD, Ph.D., at Boston Children's Hospital spells out the relationship between circadian rhythms—the body's natural day/night cycles—and ...

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