
Music can reveal which areas of the brain are affected by aging

Older people are just as capable as younger individuals of remembering musical pieces—but certain parts of their brains must work harder. This is shown in a new study from Aarhus University, recently published in the journal ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Smartphone eye-tracking could expand autism research reach

One of the most effective means of investigating and understanding autism is eye tracking. Participants are shown photos or videos, and computer software records where their gaze rests. Autistic individuals are more likely ...


New open-source tool helps to detangle the brain

In late 2023, the first drug with potential to slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease was approved by the U.S. Federal Drug Administration. Alzheimer's is one of many debilitating neurological disorders that together ...

Radiology & Imaging

Medical imaging breakthroughs aim to bring the invisible to light

Medical imaging technology—such as MRI, ultrasound and X-ray—is gaining in power and precision, especially in the wake of recent breakthroughs in artificial intelligence. Several EPFL research groups are contributing ...