
Radiation breaks connections in the brain

One of the potentially life-altering side effects that patients experience after cranial radiotherapy for brain cancer is cognitive impairment. Researchers now believe that they have pinpointed why this occurs and these findings ...

Oncology & Cancer

Potential drug for treating deadly brain cancer

(Medical Xpress)—A*STAR scientists have identified a biomarker of the most lethal form of brain tumours in adults − glioblastoma multiforme. The scientists found that by targeting this biomarker and depleting it with ...

Oncology & Cancer

CT scans may increase the risk of brain cancer

A new study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute suggests that CT scans, commonly used in medical imaging, may increase the risk of brain tumors.

Radiology & Imaging

Low-cost, 3D-printed device may broaden focused ultrasound use

Researchers and clinicians have been working to use focused ultrasound combined with microbubbles to open the blood-brain barrier (BBB) for both noninvasive diagnostic use as well as to deliver treatments to the brain for ...

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