
Neural mechanism of autonomous learning uncovered

Thanks to so-called 'deep learning," a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms inspired by the brain, machines can match human performance in perception and language recognition and even outperform humans in certain ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mindfulness meditation reduces pain by separating it from the self

For centuries, people have been using mindfulness meditation to try to relieve their pain, but neuroscientists have only recently been able to test if and how this actually works. In the latest of these efforts, researchers ...


Acid in the brain: Team develops new way to look at brain function

University of Iowa neuroscientist John Wemmie, M.D., Ph.D., is interested in the effect of acid in the brain. His studies suggest that increased acidity or low pH, in the brain is linked to panic disorders, anxiety, and depression. ...


Researchers can predict future actions from human brain activity

( -- Bringing the real world into the brain scanner, researchers at The University of Western Ontario from The Centre for Brain and Mind can now determine the action a person was planning, mere moments before ...

Medical research

How does the brain process heat as pain?

The world has changed since 1664, when French philosopher and scientist Rene Descartes first claimed the brain was responsible for feeling the sensation of pain.

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