
Seeing through the eyes of a mouse by decoding its brain signals

Is it possible to fully reconstruct what someone sees based on brain signals alone? The answer is no, not yet. But EPFL researchers have made an important step in that direction by introducing a new algorithm for building ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Characterizing abnormal neural networks in dogs with anxiety

Researchers at Ghent University in Belgium report abnormalities in functional neural networks of dogs diagnosed with anxiety. Led by Yangfeng Xu (Ghent Experimental Psychiatry Lab, GHEP; ORSAMI), and Emma Christiaen (Medical ...


How heavy alcohol consumption increases brain inflammation

For people with alcohol use disorder (AUD), there is a constant, vicious cycle between changes to the brain and changes to behavior. AUD can alter signaling pathways in the brain; in turn, those changes can exacerbate drinking.

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