
Does brain size really matter?

Brain size may matter. In the world's largest MRI study on brain size to date, USC researchers and their international colleagues identified seven genetic hotspots that regulate brain growth, memory and reasoning as well ...


Larger brains do not lead to high IQs

As early as 1836, the German physiologist and anatomist Friedrich Tiedemann, in an article in the Philosophical Transactions, expressed his opinion that "there is undoubtedly a connection between the absolute size of the ...


How eyes reveal the brain's focus

Whether you're taking a test or walking your dog across a busy street, your ability to tune out irrelevant sights and sounds in the environment—or your openness to detecting potential dangers—is crucial for success and ...


Study explains how sleep loss can make you fat

A sleepless night makes us more likely to reach for doughnuts or pizza than for whole grains and leafy green vegetables, suggests a new study from UC Berkeley that examines the brain regions that control food choices. The ...

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