Oncology & Cancer

Closing the loop to target brain glioblastomas

"Closing the loop" has become one of the jargony cliches of the business world. But in the world of cancer immunotherapy, closing the loop could be an innovation that unlocks powerful therapies for hard-to-treat brain cancers ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Unexpected cognitive deteriorations in epilepsy

In severe epilepsies, surgical intervention is often the only remedy—usually with great success. While neuropsychological performance can recover in the long term after successful surgery, on rare occasions, unexpected ...


New target for Alzheimer's therapies found

The protein medin is deposited in the blood vessels of the brains of Alzheimer's patients along with the protein amyloid-β. Researchers from DZNE have discovered this so-called co-aggregation. They have now published their ...

Medical research

Gossypetin found in hibiscus may help combat Alzheimer's disease

A cup of ruby red hibiscus tea not only warms the body in winter but is also known to boost the immune system, control blood pressure, and reduce body weight. And here is yet another reason to enjoy this tea—it may help ...

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