Oncology & Cancer

Rare genetic faults identified in families with bowel cancer

(Medical Xpress)—Rare DNA faults in two genes have been strongly linked to bowel cancer by Oxford University researchers, who sequenced the genomes of people from families with a strong history of developing the disease. 

Oncology & Cancer

British judge rules against mother in child cancer case

A judge ruled Tuesday that a seven-year-old British boy with cancer could undergo more surgery despite his mother's opposition, which had led her to run away with her son earlier this month.

Oncology & Cancer

Diesel fumes increase risk of childhood brain tumours, study finds

(Medical Xpress)—A link between brain tumours in children and their parents' exposure to diesel exhaust fumes before birth has been found by researchers at The University of Western Australia-affiliated Western Australian ...

Oncology & Cancer

New merciful treatment method for children with brain tumors

Children who undergo brain radiation therapy run a significant risk of suffering from permanent neurocognitive adverse effects. These adverse effects are due to the fact that the radiation often encounters healthy tissue. ...

Oncology & Cancer

New drug shrinks brain tumours in melanoma patients

(Medical Xpress)—Australian researchers have given hope to patients with advanced melanoma by showing that a new drug targeting a common mutation in melanoma successfully shrank tumours that had spread to the brain.


Epigenetics emerges powerfully as a clinical tool

A study coordinated by Manel Esteller, published in Nature Reviews Genetics, highlights the success of this area of research to predict the behavior and weaknesses of tumors.

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