Oncology & Cancer

Protein AKAP8 suppresses breast cancer metastasis

A protein naturally produced in the body has been found to suppress breast cancer metastasis in animal models of human tumors. Researchers led by Baylor College of Medicine also found that high levels of this protein, AKAP8, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Refining breast cancer classification by multiplexed imaging

An imaging approach developed at UZH enables the study of breast cancer tissue in greater detail. It uses 35 biomarkers to identify the different cell types in breast tumors and its surrounding area compared to the current ...

Oncology & Cancer

The gut may be the ticket to reducing chemo's side effects

In a new study, scientists observed several simultaneous reactions in mice given a common chemotherapy drug: Their gut bacteria and tissue changed, their blood and brains showed signs of inflammation, and their behaviors ...

Oncology & Cancer

Unique immune cell could help stop breast cancer

A unique type of immune cell has been discovered in human breast tissue, and breast cancer patients with more of these cells are more likely to survive, finds new research from the Francis Crick Institute and King's College ...

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