Radiology & Imaging

Q&A: Dense breast tissue and molecular breast imaging

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: After a recent mammogram, I was told that I have dense breast tissue. What does that mean? Should I be concerned? What does that mean for my future screenings?

Oncology & Cancer

Breast density in quantifying breast cancer risk

There is a strong connection between breast cancer and the high rate of breast density. These are cases wherein the patient has previously undergone mammography screening and been cleared as 'normal'. A subsequent diagnosis ...

Oncology & Cancer

'Dense breasts' diagnosis varies widely among radiologists

The likelihood of a woman being told she has dense breasts varies substantially according to which radiologist interprets her mammogram. These findings, published in Annals of Internal Medicine, have policy implications with ...

Oncology & Cancer

Diabetes treatment can reduce mammographic density

A large study of women in Denmark has found that the use of diabetes treatment decreases mammographic density, a strong risk factor for breast cancer, whereas taking insulin increases density. This is the first time that ...


Duration of lactation associated with bone density

Maternal bone density decreases after childbirth, but only among women who lactate for at least four months. The lactation period is unrelated to vitamin D status. A PhD thesis at Sahlgrenska Academy has explored the issue.

Oncology & Cancer

New software aids breast cancer risk assessment

Researchers of the Universitat Politècnica de València, in collaboration with the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and the Foundation for the Health and Biomedical Research of the Comunitat Valenciana, have developed DMScan, ...

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