
Smoking linked to early menopause in women

(Medical Xpress) -- A new study published in the journal Menopause adds one more reason for women to avoid or give up the smoking habit. The study results show that women who light up are more likely to start menopause a ...

Oncology & Cancer

Breast cancer awareness: What women need to know

As national Breast Cancer Awareness Months begins next week, breast health expert Dr. Sharon Koehler of New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine, says women need to know the following five things:


Breast cancer drug could help more patients

For the first time, a drug targeting a protein that drives breast cancer growth has been shown to work against tumors with very low levels of the protein.


Study: Cancer drugs might be able to target tuberculosis

An unexpected link between tuberculosis and cancer may lead to new drug treatments for the bacterial disease that kills more than 1.5 million people each year, according to a study led by researchers at Stanford Medicine.

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