
Infant formula websites overtly discourage breastfeeding

An analysis of websites for baby formula manufacturers finds that their messages and images discourage breastfeeding while touting the benefits of formula, despite public health efforts to support breastfeeding and informed ...


No sign of COVID-19 vaccine in breast milk

Messenger RNA vaccines against COVID-19 were not detected in human milk, according to a small study by UC San Francisco, providing early evidence that the vaccine mRNA is not transferred to the infant.


COVID vaccine doesn't infiltrate breast milk

(HealthDay)—Women who are breastfeeding and wonder if COVID-19 vaccination is safe for their baby may be reassured by the results of a new study.


First months decisive for immune system development

Many diseases caused by a dysregulated immune system, such as allergies, asthma and autoimmunity, can be traced back to events in the first few months after birth. To date, the mechanisms behind the development of the immune ...

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