
Are prebiotics the answer for lactose intolerance?

For most of us, lactose is one of the first things that we consume – whether in the form of breast milk or formula. But as we age, our bodies express less and less of the enzyme lactase that helps our bodies break down ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Ebola's long-term effects revealed

People who survive Ebola may still battle debilitating health problems a year after being declared infection-free, according to an ongoing trial in Guinea which highlighted the need for patient followup.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Common antioxidant may guard against liver disease, says researcher

A common antioxidant found in human breast milk and foods like kiwi fruit can protect against nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in the offspring of obese mice, according to researchers at the University of Colorado ...


New moms moving toward the bottle

New moms are increasingly using expressed breast milk (either pumped or expressed by hand) instead of directly breastfeeding their babies, according to a UBC study.

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