Oncology & Cancer

Study discovers breast cancer metastasis gene

Monash researchers have discovered an entirely new gene, responsible for triggering breast cancer, increasing tumour growth and regulating metastasis (the spreading of tumours throughout the body), which is the main killer ...

Oncology & Cancer

Watching a tumor grow in real-time

The ability to visualize and characterize the composition of a tumour in detail during its development can provide valuable insights in order to target appropriate therapeutics. The polymer chemist Prof. Dr. Prasad Shastri ...

Oncology & Cancer

Photoacoustic approach to breast cancer detection

Scientists at the research Institute MIRA at the University of Twente have been working for some time on a new technique to detect breast cancer. The technique, based on the physical principle of photoacoustics, has been ...

Oncology & Cancer

Marine sponge shows tumour-stunting promise

The research, which has been published in the highly-regarded journal Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, suggests that peloruside A—a substance produced by the marine sponge Mycale henscheli, found mostly in Pelorus Sound—has ...

Oncology & Cancer

How removing a protein slows blood vessel growth in tumors

Scientists from the University of Leeds and The Institute of Cancer Research, London, have discovered a new protein which triggers the growth of blood vessels in breast cancer tumours which have spread to the brain, a common ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers target protein to stop spread of aggressive tumours

A side-by-side comparison of lung metastases showing the control antibody on the left and the podocalyxin antibody on the right. Researchers developed the podocalyxin antibody and found that it slowed tumour growth and spread.

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