Oncology & Cancer

New technology to tackle treatment-resistant cancers

Free-flowing cancer cells have been mapped with unprecedented accuracy in the bloodstream of patients with prostate, breast and pancreatic cancer, using a brand new approach, in an attempt to assess and control the disease ...

Oncology & Cancer

New therapy to target the spread of bowel cancer

For the first time, SAHMRI and University of Adelaide researchers are investigating gene therapy as an option to help people with metastatic bowel cancer.

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists find new drug target in breast cancer

Researchers have identified a new protein involved in the development of drug resistance in breast cancer which could be a target for new treatments, they report today in the journal Nature Medicine.

Oncology & Cancer

How removing a protein slows blood vessel growth in tumors

Scientists from the University of Leeds and The Institute of Cancer Research, London, have discovered a new protein which triggers the growth of blood vessels in breast cancer tumours which have spread to the brain, a common ...

Oncology & Cancer

Breast cancer drugs could help treat resistant lung cancers

A class of drugs used to treat certain breast cancers could help to tackle lung cancers that have become resistant to targeted therapies, suggests a new study in mice from the Francis Crick Institute and the Institute of ...

Oncology & Cancer

Watching a tumor grow in real-time

The ability to visualize and characterize the composition of a tumour in detail during its development can provide valuable insights in order to target appropriate therapeutics. The polymer chemist Prof. Dr. Prasad Shastri ...

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