
Moms reach out to breastfeeding apps

Mobile phone apps are increasingly being used to support breastfeeding decisions—sometimes at a cost, a Flinders University study indicates.


Calls to curb infant formula's carbon footprint

Urgent action is needed to protect breastfeeding and reduce formula's carbon footprint—especially for "unnecessary" toddler milks, according to an expert at The Australian National University (ANU).


2009-2015 saw breastfeeding up for most races/ethnicities

(HealthDay)—From 2009 to 2015, there was improvement in breastfeeding rates in most race/ethnicity groups, although disparities between black and white infants widened, according to a study published online Oct. 14 in JAMA ...


Initiating breastfeeding in vulnerable infants

The benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and child are well-recognized, including for late preterm infants (LPI). But because LPI do not have fully developed brains, they may experience difficulties latching and/or sustaining ...

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