Inflammatory disorders

Dysfunctional breathing often wrongly thought to be asthma

Many people with breathing difficulties remain undiagnosed or are diagnosed wrongly as having asthma when the problem might actually be dysfunctional breathing (DB). Information and breathing exercises can help these patients. ...


New exercises help athletes manage dangerous breathing disorder

A novel set of breathing techniques developed at National Jewish Health help athletes overcome vocal cord dysfunction and improve performance during high-intensity exercise. Vocal cord dysfunction, now also referred to as ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study finds yoga helps men's mental health

A new study by Deakin University has found significant mental and physical health benefits for men who practice yoga, but the biggest hurdle for many is having the courage to join a class.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Yoga and breathing exercises aid children with ADHD to focus

Yoga and breathing exercises have a positive effect on children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). After special classes, children improve their attention, decrease hyperactivity, they stay alert longer, ...

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