
Can light therapy help improve mood in people with concussion?

People with mild traumatic brain injury who are exposed to early morning blue light therapy may experience a decrease in depression and other concussion symptoms, according to a preliminary study released today that will ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

What you should know about meningitis

Getting the news your child, teenager or even their classmate or friend has meningitis can be an alarming experience. However, knowing more about the disease can help parents recognize the signs and symptoms as well as help ...


Shedding light on how the human eye perceives brightness

Japanese scientists are shedding new light on the importance of light-sensing cells in the retina that process visual information. The researchers isolated the functions of melanopsin cells and demonstrated their crucial ...


Pupillary response to glare illusions of different colors

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Toyohashi University of Technology formed a research team with the University of Oslo to measure the size of subjects' pupils when viewing a brightness illusion (glare ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

What to do when your child throws a fit

(HealthDay)—You know the scenario—your child has a meltdown, leaving you frustrated, embarrassed and arguing even though your brain says it's a battle you're not likely to win.


How to pick the best produce at the farmers' market

(HealthDay)—Fresh vegetables are nutrient-rich diet mainstays and can be inexpensive when bought in season. Simple selection tips will enable you to choose the best produce to turn into delectable meals and, just as important, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why it's important to boost baby's vocabulary now

(HealthDay)—We know that early learning can set up a child for success. A study done by researchers at Penn State University found out just how early that learning should start—by age 2.

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