Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Interdisciplinary approach decreases broad spectrum antibiotic usage

An interdisciplinary approach to antimicrobial stewardship involving comprehensive blood culture identification (BCID) testing decreased broad spectrum antibiotic use, according to new research presented last week in Philadelphia ...

Oncology & Cancer

Q&A: Tanning beds raise risk for skin cancer

Dear Mayo Clinic: My daughter and her friends are all talking about going to a tanning bed. I suggested to my daughter that she get a spray tan instead, but I don't think I've convinced her since she's under the impression ...


FDA aims to strengthen sunscreen rules

(HealthDay)—The U.S. Food and Drug Administration took steps Thursday to tighten regulation of over-the-counter sunscreen products.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Antibiotics are 'avoidable trigger' for bowel disease

Scientists at The University of Manchester have shown for the first time how antibiotics can predispose the gut to avoidable infections that trigger bowel disease in mice.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Overuse of antibiotics not what the doctor ordered

With increased use of antibiotics worldwide linked to growing antibiotic resistance, a world-first study co-authored by a QUT researcher has highlighted the growing impact of non-prescription supply of antibiotics in community ...

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