Psychology & Psychiatry

Why grinding your teeth might not always be a bad thing

According to the Council of Dentists of Spain, bruxism is the dental diagnosis that has increased the most since the pandemic, almost quadrupling. In fact, its incidence among the population has gone from 6% to 23%.


Nocturnal teeth grinding may damage temporomandibular joints

Nocturnal teeth grinding and clenching of the upper and lower jaw are known as sleep bruxism and can have a number of consequences for health. In dental science, the question of whether sleep bruxism is associated with the ...

Medical research

Easy at-home assessment of sleep bruxism

Sleep bruxism, commonly known as clenching or grinding of the teeth during sleep, affects approximately eight to 15 percent of the population. It can lead to various negative health consequences like tooth wear, facial pain ...

Medical research

Review: Biofeedback could help treat a number of conditions

A literature review by a team at the VA Portland Health Care System and Oregon Health & Science University found evidence that biofeedback can be a helpful treatment for several conditions. Studies show that biofeedback can ...

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