Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Clue for development of diagnosis, treatment Alzheimer's disease

Kichitaro Nakajima, a graduate student at the Graduate School of Engineering Science, Hirotsugu Ogi, Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Engineering Science, and Yuji Goto, Professor at Institute for Protein Research, ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Videogames against malaria

Shoot bubbles while helping research against malaria? It is possible with MalariaSpot Bubbles, an online game that launches today, April 25, World Malaria Day. Players analyze digitalized images of parasites to differentiate ...


Knuckle cracking looks explosive, but causes no detectable harm

UC Davis Health System research presented today at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America in Chicago helps resolve two persistent questions about knuckle cracking: What causes the "crack" sound, and ...

Medical research

New gene therapy for 'bubble boy' disease appears effective, safe

A new form of gene therapy for boys with X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome (SCID-X1), a life-threatening condition also known as "bubble boy" disease, appears to be both effective and safe, according to a ...


When brain says buy, you may not know why

Billions of neurons fire in the brains of stock market traders as they decide whether to buy or sell shares in a matter of seconds. Some of these brain waves produce rational calculations about how best to make a profit, ...

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