
Senate bill doubles spending on veterans' health

(AP)—Spending on veterans' health care could double in three years under the U.S. Senate's solution to the long waits experienced by thousands seeking medical care at government-run veterans' hospitals and clinics, according ...


CBO: Deficits to drift lower on lower health costs

A congressional report predicts slightly smaller deficits both this year and over the coming decade, with lower spending on federal health care spending being the main reason.


'Obamacare' sign-ups top six million

More than six million Americans had registered for health insurance under US President Barack Obama's reform by Thursday, fewer than initially hoped but in line with revised projections.


Health care agency passes $1 trillion milestone

The government's biggest health care agency is passing the $1 trillion mark in President Barack Obama's new budget, a milestone for the Department of Health and Human Services.


With looming ACA uncertainty, budget exercise necessary

(HealthDay)—Constructing a budget for 2014 is critical for physicians even with the uncertainties surrounding the Affordable Care Act, according to an article published Nov. 10 in Medical Economics.

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