Medical economics

Health research focus could give NIH competition for funding

Lawmakers are more interested in biomedical research than ever, but with limited funds for nondefense spending, experts worry the National Institutes of Health could end up in competition with the new agency the Biden administration ...


White House: Get new booster by Halloween for safer holidays

The White House on Tuesday said eligible Americans should get the updated COVID-19 boosters by Halloween to have maximum protection against the coronavirus by Thanksgiving and the holidays, as it warned of a "challenging" ...


What Medicare Part A's belly-up date means for you

At its current pace, Medicare's Hospital Insurance trust fund will run out of money in 2028, according to the June 2022 Medicare trustees report. That's a two-year extension on the previous estimate, but experts say it's ...


How will pending budget bill reduce drug prices for Americans?

The Inflation Reduction Act contains provisions that are expected to lower drug costs for millions of Americans by allowing Medicare to negotiate some drug prices and by limiting the amount of out-of-pocket drug costs for ...

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