Medical research

Research reverses the reproductive clock in mice

Researchers have lifted fertility rates in older female mice with small doses of a metabolic compound that reverses the aging process in eggs, offering hope for some women struggling to conceive.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

China virus deaths rise past 800, overtaking SARS toll

The death toll from the novel coronavirus surged past 800 in mainland China on Sunday, overtaking global fatalities in the 2002-03 SARS epidemic, even as the World Health Organization said the outbreak appeared to be stabilising.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

China turns to AI, data in fight against virus

A man who had travelled to Wuhan—the central city at the heart of China's coronavirus crisis –- was surprised when police showed up at his door after he returned home, asking to check his temperature.


Mathematical model predicts drug concentration in the brain

Do medicines arrive in the right amount at the right spot in our brain? By making a model that depicts our brain in small "brain blocks," Ph.D. student Esmée Vendel tries to find an answer to this question. She made a mathematical ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Deepening our understanding of selfish behavior

Is a selfish person just processing the decisions that result in rewards to others differently? Perhaps, suggests a recent RIKEN study. A RIKEN team, led by Hiroyuki Nakahara of the Laboratory for Integrated Theoretical Neuroscience ...

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