
Improving indoor air quality to increase health and well-being

From homes, schools and offices to hospitals, sporting venues and buildings of worship, nearly 90 percent of the average American's time is spent indoors. Because a person is indoors for a signification portion of time each ...


Paramedic-led intervention cuts ambulance calls

(HealthDay)—For low-income older adults who live in subsidized housing, the Community Paramedicine at Clinic (CP@clinic), a paramedic-led, community-based health promotion program to prevent diabetes, cardiovascular disease, ...


Our workplaces are filthy and it's costing us all

The typical office desk is home to over 10 million bacteria, 400 times more than a toilet seat. Other studies have revealed people don't wash their hands, and surfaces from taps to elevator buttons are "officially dirty".


Use of dirty heating oil in NYC concentrated uptown

Residential buildings that continued to burn residual fuel oil were concentrated in Northern Manhattan and the Bronx, as of late 2015. Compared to cleaner heating sources such as natural gas, these dirty fuels produce high ...

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