
Infant lungs and bushfire smoke

Everyone at the Murdoch Children's Research Institute extends their heartfelt sympathy and condolences to those affected by the devastating Australian bushfire situation, which unfortunately looks likely to continue in the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Self-doubt hampers disaster preparation efforts

People who are indecisive rather than anxious are more likely to be under-prepared for disasters, such as bushfires, according to a recent study.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Anxious people respond worst to bushfire threat

Research from The University of Western Australia has found people who are anxious or easily stressed are less likely to be well prepared or respond well to bushfires.

Psychology & Psychiatry

How we can better manage mental health impacts of bushfires

With an El Niño summer promising hotter and drier conditions for much of Australia, we must rethink how we measure the impact bushfires and other extreme weather events have on our mental health and well-being, according ...

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