Obstetrics & gynaecology

Healthcare providers driving rising Caesarean rates

(Medical Xpress)—Where a woman gives birth - in a public or private hospital - is a key determinant of whether she has a Caesarean section or not, according to findings from three consecutives surveys of more than 14,000 ...


Women who use IVF less likely to breastfeed

Women in Australia who conceive using assisted reproductive technology, such as IVF – and who have a caesarean birth before going in to labour – are less likely to breastfeed. This is despite the majority of pregnant ...


Cesareans weaken gut microbiota and increase risk of allergies

Children who came into the world by Caesarean section are more often affected by allergies than those born in the natural way. The reason for this may be that they have a less diverse gut microbiota, according to a study ...

Medical research

Narrower range of helpful bacteria in guts of C-section infants

The range of helpful bacteria in the guts of infants delivered by caesarean section, during their first two years of life, is narrower than that of infants delivered vaginally, indicates a small study published online in ...

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