
Caffeine intake associated with lower incidence of tinnitus

New research from Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) finds that higher caffeine intake is associated with lower rates of tinnitus, often described as a ringing or buzzing sound in the ear when there is no outside source of ...


How dangerous are energy drinks for young people?

(Medical Xpress)—News reports broke this week that since 2003, three Canadian teens have died from drinking energy drinks, and 35 others have suffered series side effects like amnesia and irregular heartbeat. Young people ...


Caffeine common in US kids, youths; mainly soda

Nearly 3 out of 4 U.S. children and young adults consume at least some caffeine, mostly from soda, tea and coffee. The rate didn't budge much over a decade, although soda use declined and energy drinks became an increasingly ...


Crave coffee too much? Talk therapy may help

(HealthDay)—A short round of "talk-therapy" seems to help over-consumers of caffeine dramatically cut back their intake, a small new study suggests.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Back-to-school anxiety: Seven tips to help children cope

Going back to school after the summer holidays can be a big deal. For some children, it means moving into a new classroom with a new teacher. Others will be going to a new school altogether. Change can be exciting, but it's ...

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