
Is coffee aggravating your hot flashes?

(HealthDay)—Drinking caffeine may worsen the hot flashes and night sweats that affect roughly two-thirds of women as they go through menopause, new survey data suggests.

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

How coffee protects against Parkinson's

A specific genetic variation discovered by researchers at Linköping University in Sweden protects against Parkinson's Disease – especially for those who drink a lot of coffee.


Caffeine common in US kids, youths; mainly soda

Nearly 3 out of 4 U.S. children and young adults consume at least some caffeine, mostly from soda, tea and coffee. The rate didn't budge much over a decade, although soda use declined and energy drinks became an increasingly ...


Does caffeine enhance performance?

Unlike many drugs, caffeine may be taken legally by people of all ages, which helps make it the world's most widely used stimulant.


Caffeine consumption slows down brain development

Humans and other mammals show particularly intensive sleeping patterns during puberty. The brain also matures fastest in this period. But when pubescent rats are administered caffeine, the maturing processes in their brains ...


How dangerous are energy drinks for young people?

(Medical Xpress)—News reports broke this week that since 2003, three Canadian teens have died from drinking energy drinks, and 35 others have suffered series side effects like amnesia and irregular heartbeat. Young people ...

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