
A focused approach to imaging neural activity in the brain

When neurons fire an electrical impulse, they also experience a surge of calcium ions. By measuring those surges, researchers can indirectly monitor neuron activity, helping them to study the role of individual neurons in ...

Medical research

Self-healing bone cement developed

Materials scientists at the University of Jena have developed a bone replacement based on calcium phosphate cement and reinforced with carbon fibers. The fibers increase damage tolerance and ensure that cracks in the material ...


A disease trigger for pancreatitis has been identified

Patients suffering from chronic pancreatitis experience an either recurring or permanent inflammation of their pancreas. "In many cases, people develop this disease because they are drinking too much alcohol or they are smoking ...

Oncology & Cancer

The role of diet in esophageal cancer

Cancer of the esophagus is a leading cause of cancer-related mortality worldwide. Altered dietary intakes of certain nutrients have been associated with cancer risk.

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