Oncology & Cancer

Study ties breast gene to high-risk uterine cancer

Women with a faulty breast cancer gene might face a greater chance of rare but deadly uterine tumors despite having their ovaries removed to lower their main cancer risks, doctors are reporting.

Oncology & Cancer

BRCAPRO model underestimates BRCA1/2 mutation risk

(HealthDay)—Use of the BRCAPRO model for assessment of the likelihood of having a germline BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation, based on age, ethnicity, and family history, may underestimate the risk of mutations, according to a study ...

Oncology & Cancer

Using cancer's fingerprint, researchers clinch a diagnosis

Rochester scientists are using a gene test to diagnose a difficult-to-detect form of bone marrow cancer – an example of how academic medical centers are applying new technology in ways that play to their strengths to achieve ...

Oncology & Cancer

Experimental drug helps body fight advanced melanoma

(HealthDay)—An experimental drug that harnesses the power of the body's immune system to fight cancer has helped some patients with advanced melanoma keep their disease in check for several years, a new study indicates.

Oncology & Cancer

COXEN model picks the best drug for ovarian cancer

There are three common drugs for advanced ovarian cancer: paclitaxel, cyclophosphamide, and topotecan. Like a shell game, if you pick the right drug a patient is likely to respond. And, unfortunately, picking the wrong drug ...

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