Oncology & Cancer

Germany's BioNTech plans UK trial of mRNA cancer therapy

German pharmaceutical company BioNTech, which developed a trailblazing COVID-19 vaccine, will trial a cancer treatment in Britain using the same mRNA technology, the company said on Friday.

Oncology & Cancer

Some stem cells can trigger tumors

(Medical Xpress) -- Stem cells often used in reconstructive surgery following mastectomies and other cancer-removal treatments may pose a danger: Cornell biomedical scientists have discovered that these cells, in contact ...

Oncology & Cancer

Putting the brakes on cancer

A study led by the University of Dundee, in collaboration with researchers at our University, has uncovered an important role played by a tumour suppressor gene, helping scientists to better understand how it combats the ...

Oncology & Cancer

A new approach to cancer treatment published

(Medical Xpress) -- Scientists have discovered a mechanism that causes an aggressive type of lung cancer to re-grow following chemotherapy, offering hope for new therapies.

Oncology & Cancer

Cancer: The immune system attacks tumors remotely

How does the immune system act to limit tumor development? Using in vivo imaging tools, scientists from the Institut Pasteur and Inserm described the spatiotemporal activity of tumor-infiltrating T lymphocytes, both locally ...

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