Oncology & Cancer

New genetic markers for adrenal cancer may predict survival

A new study from Karolinska Institutet shows that 45 genes may play a crucial role in the prognosis of patients with adrenal cancer. The findings, published in the journal ESMO Open, give hope for a better diagnostic tool ...

Oncology & Cancer

Discovery may explain pancreatic cancer's cellular amnesia

Things aren't always as they seem. Take pancreatic cancer, for example. In up to one in 10 cases, researchers have documented a peculiar characteristic. Some of the pancreatic cells appear to have lost their identity. It's ...

Oncology & Cancer

Chromatin openness sheds new light on prostate cancer plasticity

Treatment resistance caused by cancer cell plasticity constitutes a major challenge in the treatment of prostate cancer. A recent study from the University of Eastern Finland Institute of Biomedicine published in Nucleic ...

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