Oncology & Cancer

Study predicts cancer cases, deaths in Africa could double by 2040

Cancer cases and deaths are expected to double in Africa during the next two decades, according to findings from a new study by Penn State College of Medicine researchers. The study also reveals that the region lacks sufficient ...

Oncology & Cancer

Cancer trend analysis to assist prevention measures

The past century or so has seen unprecedented technological, scientific and sociological evolution worldwide. These have accompanied global shifts in people's lifestyles and rapid changes in the environment, both natural ...

Oncology & Cancer

Digital rectal exam remains important part of prostate screening

(Medical Xpress)—The digital rectal exam is an important screening test that can discover prostate cancer that a prostate-specific antigen or PSA test may not, despite the higher sensitivity of the PSA test, according to ...

Oncology & Cancer

BreastScreen: balancing benefits and harms

New research has questioned the relative impact of mammographic screening in reducing deaths from breast cancer, concluding that it is not responsible for most of the recent reduction in mortality rates and may in fact cause ...

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