Oncology & Cancer

How CD44s gives brain cancer a survival advantage

Understanding the mechanisms that give cancer cells the ability to survive and grow opens the possibility of developing improved treatments to control or cure the disease. In the case of glioblastoma multiforme, the deadliest ...

Oncology & Cancer

Marriage may be a cancer fighter

(HealthDay)—A wedding band may be powerful medicine against cancer, a new study suggests.

Oncology & Cancer

Antibody slows tumor growth and metastasis in mice

Johns Hopkins scientists report they have developed an antibody against a specific cellular gateway that suppresses lung tumor cell growth and breast cancer metastasis in transplanted tumor experiments in mice, according ...

Oncology & Cancer

Why combined therapies increase survival in prostate cancer

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet, SciLifeLab and Centre for Clinical Research, Västerås have been able to explain why a combination of castration therapy and radiation therapy increases survival rates for patients with ...

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