Oncology & Cancer

Scientists identify key to preventing secondary cancers

Leading scientists from the University of Sheffield and University of Copenhagen have identified a possible key to preventing secondary cancers in breast cancer patients, after discovering an enzyme which enhances the spread ...


Liver tumors found in mice exposed to BPA

In one of the first studies to show a significant association between BPA and cancer development, University of Michigan School of Public Health researchers have found liver tumors in mice exposed to the chemical via their ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study sheds light on how pancreatic cancer begins

A diagnosis of pancreatic cancer is particularly devastating since the prognosis for recovery is usually poor, with the cancer most often not detected until late stages.

Oncology & Cancer

Mutant gut bacteria reverse colon cancer in lab models

(Medical Xpress) -- A mutant form of a meek microbe deals a gutsy blow to colon cancer, University of Florida scientists have discovered. The special bacteria halted abnormal inflammation, reduced precancerous growths and ...

Medical research

Multiphoton endoscope could minimize biopsies

(Medical Xpress) -- From precancerous lesions in the bladder to polyps in the colon, pathologists are constantly examining tissue biopsies for diagnoses. Researchers at Cornell are pushing the limits of the well-established ...

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