Medical research

Fungi that live in the gut influence health and disease

Bacteria's role in gut health has received a lot of attention in recent years. But new research led by scientists at University of Utah Health shows that fungi—another microorganism that lives within us—may be equally ...


Fungus from the intestinal mucosa can affect lung health

Writing in the journal Cell, a research team from Cologne and Kiel describes the mechanism of immune cross-reactivity. The immune system's reaction to Candida albicans in the intestine seems to amplify pathogenic immune processes ...


Females may be more susceptible to infection during ovulation

A new research report in the Journal of Leukocyte Biology suggests that a woman's ovarian cycle plays an important role in her susceptibility to infection. Specifically, researchers from Spain and Austria found that women ...

Medical research

Research identifies how mouth cells resist Candida infection

Candida albicans is a common fungus found living in, and on, many parts of the human body. Usually this species causes no harm to humans unless it can breach the body's immune defences, where can lead to serious illness or ...

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