Medical research

Research team discovers potential Alzheimer's drug

A potential new drug to prevent Alzheimer's disease in people with the so-called Alzheimer's gene has been discovered by a University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) research team led by Sue Griffin, Ph.D.

Medical research

We need a staph vaccine: Here's why we don't have one

Staphylococcus aureus (SA) is an extremely common bacterial infection; about 30% of people have colonies of SA living in their nose. SA is often harmless, but it is also a leading cause of hospital-acquired and community-associated ...

Medical research

Researchers race to develop Paxlovid replacement

Researchers from Rutgers believe themselves among the leaders in a race to find an oral COVID-19 treatment to supplement or replace Paxlovid—the antiviral medication that helps keep high-risk patients out of the hospital ...

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