
Easing distress in caregivers of dying patients

Interventions can buffer caregivers of terminally ill patients from the significant stresses they face in providing care to a loved one, a new evidence review finds.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Tidy desk or messy desk? Each has its benefits

Working at a clean and prim desk may promote healthy eating, generosity, and conventionality, according to new research. But, the research also shows that a messy desk may confer its own benefits, promoting creative thinking ...


Candy games stimulate appetite

At least once a week, two thirds of all children of primary-school age will play an internet game that was created to draw attention to a brand. Most of these advertisements are for snacks and candy. Only 6% of these children ...


Can too much Halloween candy kill you?

If you've inhaled so many "fun size" Halloween candies that you feel like you could die, scientists have some good news: That is extremely unlikely.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Executive function tests key to early detection of Alzheimer's

By the time older adults are diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, the brain damage is irreparable. For now, modern medicine is able to slow the progression of the disease but is incapable of reversing it. What if there was ...

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