
Israel sees heady future for medical marijuana

With its moat, wall, barbed wire, armed guards and security cameras, the facility could be mistaken for a military base if it weren't for the pungent odour of marijuana in the air.


Colombia rethinks drug policy with medical marijuana

Every year Colombian mother Ines Cano celebrates her daughter's birthday by getting a butterfly tattoo, her way of giving thanks that little Luna has survived another year of chronic epilepsy.


Danish cannabis is stronger than ever

The concentration of the euphoriant THC in cannabis has tripled in the space of twenty years. The reason may be a systematic processing of the cannabis plants, some of which are being grown in skunk farms in Denmark.


Croatia legalises marijuana for medical use

Croatia allowed the sale and use of marijuana-derived products from Thursday, following a campaign sparked by the detention of a multiple sclerosis patient who grew the plant to ease his pain.

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