Psychology & Psychiatry

Study shows cannabis temporarily relieves PTSD symptoms

People suffering from post-traumatic distress disorder report that cannabis reduces the severity of their symptoms by more than half, at least in the short term, according to a recent study led by Carrie Cuttler, a Washington ...


Cannabis use produces persistent cognitive impairments

A systematic review published today in the scientific journal Addiction has found that cannabis use leads to acute cognitive impairments that may continue beyond the period of intoxication. This Canadian-led meta-review (review ...


Legal cannabis markets linked to increased motor vehicle deaths

A new study from the University of Illinois Chicago has used death certificate data to compare mortality rates in states that legalized recreational cannabis dispensaries with states that only provided access to medical cannabis. ...


Young marijuana smokers may be at greater risk of recurrent stroke

Among younger adults who had a previous stroke or a transient ischemic attack (TIA) and were later hospitalized for any cause, recurrent stroke was far more likely among patients with cannabis use disorder, according to preliminary ...

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