Psychology & Psychiatry

Does cannabis use affect empathy?

In a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience Research, psychological assessments indicated that people who regularly use cannabis, or marijuana, tend to have a greater understanding of the emotions of others.

Inflammatory disorders

In survey of those with uncontrolled asthma, half smoked cannabis

As the number of states increase where medical and recreational cannabis use is legal, so does the importance that physicians discuss with patients the effects of cannabis on those with asthma. A new survey in Annals of Allergy, ...


Cannabis withdrawal symptoms might have clinical importance

Cannabis users have a greater chance of relapse to cannabis use when they experience certain withdrawal symptoms, according to research published Sep. 26 in the open access journal PLOS ONE led by David Allsop of the National ...


After heart attack, pot smoking raises post-op dangers

(HealthDay)—Election Day 2020 saw marijuana legalization continue its march across the United States, but a pair of new studies warn that smoking pot could increase risk for heart patients.

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