
Carbon monoxide poisoning: an underestimated threat

(HealthDay) -- Every year in the United States, nearly 450 people die and more than 2,000 people are hospitalized following accidental carbon monoxide poisoning, a new study shows.


No smoking four weeks before operation cuts risks: WHO

Patients who stop smoking at least four weeks before an operation significantly reduce the risk of having postsurgical complications because their blood flow improves, according to a study published Monday.


Radon: The odorless, invisible threat

Radon is an odorless, invisible radioactive gas. It's naturally released from rocks, soil and water—and it can get trapped inside your home, office or school. There's no known safe level of radon.


Air pollution linked to increased risk of anxiety and stroke

Air pollution is linked to a higher risk of stroke, particularly in developing countries, finds a study published in The BMJ today. In a second article, new research also shows that air pollution is associated with anxiety.

Oncology & Cancer

Increased risk for oral cancer with exposure to high PM2.5

(HealthDay)—Taiwanese men exposed to high concentrations of fine particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5) have an increased risk for oral cancer, according to a study recently published in the Journal of Investigative Medicine.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Sometimes, headaches can be an emergency. Here's when.

(HealthDay)—Nearly everyone has a headache now and then. Most of the time, relief is just an over-the-counter pill away. Other times, learning ways to relax and relieve tension, or getting treatment for sinus infections ...

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