Oncology & Cancer

Genetic causes of tumors in salivary glands

Acinic cell carcinoma is the third most common malignant form of salivary gland cancer. These tumours are similar to normal salivary gland tissue and occur most frequently in the parotid gland. Until now, the molecular causes ...

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists design protein that prods cancer-fighting T-cells

Scientists at UW Medicine's Institute for Protein Design (IPD) in Seattle have created a new protein that mimics the action of a key immune regulatory protein, interleukin 2 (IL-2).  IL-2 is a potent anticancer drug and ...

Oncology & Cancer

New dual-action cancer-killing virus

Scientists have equipped a virus that kills carcinoma cells with a protein so it can also target and kill adjacent cells that are tricked into shielding the cancer from the immune system.

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