
A virtual heart to simulate arrhythmia

A group of researchers from MIPT and Ghent University (Belgium) has developed the first realistic model of the complex cardiac microstructure. The researchers hope that the model will elucidate the causes of fibrosis, which ...


Warning against domperidone use for lactating women

(HealthDay)—The dopamine receptor antagonist domperidone, which may increase milk production in lactating women, is associated with serious cardiac risks, and should not be used for lactation enhancement, according to a ...


Link between alcohol consumption and cardiac arrhythmias

Researchers who studied beer drinkers at the Munich Octoberfest have found that the more alcohol consumed the higher was the likelihood of developing abnormal heart rhythms called cardiac arrhythmias.


Light tames lethal heart disorders in mice and virtual humans

Using high-tech human heart models and mouse experiments, scientists at Johns Hopkins and Germany's University of Bonn have shown that beams of light could replace electric shocks in patients reeling from a deadly heart rhythm ...

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