
Valeant under US federal investigation over drug pricing

Canadian pharmaceutical group Valeant says it has received subpoenas from US federal prosecutors seeking information about the pricing and distribution of its drugs, along with how it makes them more affordable for patients.


How MRI could revolutionize heart failure diagnosis

Using MRI scans to detect heart failure could revolutionize how the condition is diagnosed, thanks to new research from the University of East Anglia and the University of Sheffield.


Longer CPR extends survival in both children and adults

Experts from The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia were among the leaders of two large national studies showing that extending CPR longer than previously thought useful saves lives in both children and adults. The research ...


Remote ischemic preconditioning cuts kidney injury risk

(HealthDay)—Remote ischemic preconditioning can reduce the rate of acute kidney injury among high-risk patients undergoing cardiac surgery, according to a study published online May 29 in the Journal of the American Medical ...


Barriers identified to pediatric advance care discussions

(HealthDay) -- Prognostic understanding and parental attitude are significant barriers to advance care discussions (ACD) for children with life-threatening conditions, according to a study published online March 5 in Pediatrics.

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