
Deaths from cardiac arrest are misclassified, overestimated

Forty percent of deaths attributed to cardiac arrest are not sudden or unexpected, and nearly half of the remainder are not arrhythmic—the only situation in which CPR and defibrillators are effective—according to an analysis ...


Studying heart disease after death can help the living

Autopsy is often an overlooked source of medical insight which may be hindering advances in cardiovascular medicine, according to new research published in a special issue of the American Heart Association's journal Circulation.


Substance used in Chinese medicine can cause cardiac arrhythmia

Researchers from the Universities of Basel, Vienna and Utrecht report that a medicinal plant frequently used in traditional Chinese medicine—Evodia rutaecarpa—contains substances that can cause cardiac arrhythmia. Extracts ...


Impact of misunderstanding genetic tests for heart conditions

University of Sydney researchers are raising concerns over the need for informed decision making for genetic testing after a study published today finds patients at risk of inherited heart disease do not always understand ...

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