Medical research

Even low-dose aspirin may increase risk of GI bleeding

The risk of gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding needs to be considered when determining the potential preventive benefits associated with low-dose aspirin for cardiovascular disease and cancer. According to a new study in Clinical ...


Potential benefits of remote follow-up of ICD patients

Results from the EVATEL (EVAluation of TELe follow-up) trial are the first in Europe to demonstrate potential safety and efficacy benefits from the remote follow-up of ICD patients. The trial was conducted in France, with ...


Maintaining exercise when the cardiac rehab is complete

Researchers from The Miriam Hospital have found that patients who have completed cardiac rehabilitation and who receive telephone counseling that supports exercise are more likely to adhere to an exercise program. Results ...

Medical research

Molecular imaging detects ischemic heart disease in diabetics

Research introduced at SNM's 58th Annual Meeting may lead to much-needed cardiovascular disease screening for diabetic patients at risk of ischemic heart disease, a disorder marked by significantly reduced blood flow in the ...

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