
The search for an early biomarker to fight atherosclerosis

The Journal of the American Heart Association published the conclusive results from a study directed by Dr. Éric Thorin of the Montreal Heart Institute (MHI), which suggests for the first time that a blood protein contributes ...


Heart failure doesn't discriminate

Lifetime risk for heart failure is similar for blacks and whites and higher than expected for both groups—ranging from 20 to 45 percent—according to a new Northwestern Medicine study.


Post-ER care for chest pain reduces risk of heart attack, death

Seeing a doctor within a month of an emergency room visit for chest pain significantly reduced the risk of heart attack or death among high risk patients, according to research published the American Heart Association journal ...


Preventing heart disease requires a universal approach

Preventive cardiology is now on the political as well as clinical agenda. In 2011 a UN heads-of-state meeting agreed to reduce mortality from chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) by 25% by 2025.


Radiation for breast cancer can harm hearts, study finds

Women treated with radiation for breast cancer are more likely to develop heart problems later, even with the lower doses used today, new research suggests. The risk comes from any amount of radiation, starts five years after ...

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